Let Power Take A Female Form
Eugenia Butler
Eugenia P. Butler
Corazon Del Sol
June 27 – August 8, 2015

This exhibition looks at a matriarchal lineage of three women in the same family. Grandmother, mother, and granddaughter, each deeply embedded in the Los Angeles art scene from its formative stage to present day, navigate matrices of power, inclusion, exclusion and access. With each generation, a narrative and through-line emerges of common traumas, common bonds, paradigms of womanhood, and how each disrupted those constructs through art. The title of the exhibition, LET POWER TAKE A FEMALE FORM, is taken from a drawing by Eugenia P. Butler. The provocation demands one to imagine a form of power absent of patriarchal, capitalist influence and evokes the question: What would power look like, feel like, smell like, taste like, if it took female form?